Spardha Western Vocals Method Book 1

About The Course
Do you think your child has the voice to sing? Spardha Western Vocals Method Book 1 is perfect for them! This is the second course in the series of method books that aims at providing a step-by-step guide for the student to
teach in Western Contemporary Vocals.
After completing the course, students learn structured vocal training and sing melodies across different genres. Our expert teachers help your child with practice planning and structure to ensure that they sing with a relaxed throat,
comprehend tones and semitones and more!
Before starting this course, students should be able to:
- Understand basic sheet music such as note position on Treble and Bass Clef, Note Values, Basic terms in music (Beat Rhythm Melody), Major scales, Tonic Chord, Major scale Arpeggio etc.
- Demonstrate proper posture
- Perform diaphragmatic breathing exercises comfortably
- Breathe effectively before phrases using quick breath
- Make use of their soft palate in warmup exercises
- Identify solfa patterns in a major scale upto a 6th note
- Be comfortable using a metronome for all exercises
- Perform spoken rhythms using half note, quarter note, eighth note, sixteenth note and quarter note rest
Topics Covered
- Throat tension and Singing with a Relaxed Throat
- Tones and Semitones
- Revision of rhythms learned in Book 1
- Revision of 5-tone and Pentatonic melodies
- Singing with a neutral jaw position
- Introduction to Rests
- Spoken Rhythms: Dotted Quarter Notes (3/4 + 4/4)
- Solfa singing: Major scale using slurs and dotted crotchets, 3/4 mixed
- Introduction to Vocal Registration
- Voice Types - Finding your Vocal Range
- Pentatonic Scale, Anacrusis
- Spoken Rhythms: 8th note rest
- Solfa singing: Major scales using leaps of 4th. Use ties and 8th note rests
- Slides, Transition and Blending
- Intervals
- Spoken Rhythms: ti ki te
- Solfa: Minor Pentatonic melodies
- Practice planning and structure
- Primary Triads in Major Scales
- Spoken Rhythms: ti ke (dotted 8th and 16th)
- Solfa: 8-bar melodies highlighting primary chords and sequences
Learning Outcomes You Can Expect
In this course, your child will be able to:
- Sing 10+ melodies across various genres
- Sing with a relaxed throat
- Comprehend Tones and Semitones
- Perform various vocal exercises given in the book
- Sing with a neutral jaw position
- Perform solfa exercises
- Perform slides and sirens for vocal warmup
- Understand various terms used in sheet music such as Notes, ties, rests, dotted notes, intervals, scales, anacrusis etc.
- Perform rhythm exercises with accuracy
- Discover their vocal range
- Understand vocal registers
- Create their personal practice schedules
Format - 1:1 lesson with Teacher
Mobile & Desktop Access
Certificate on completion
- Duration: 6-8 months
Select Your Package
6 Months
- Session duration: 60 Minutes each
- No. of sessions: 24
- Format: 1:1 with Teacher
0% OFF
12 Months
- Session duration: 60 Minutes each
- No. of sessions: 48
- Format: 1:1 with Teacher
0% OFF
18 Months
- Session duration: 60 Minutes each
- No. of sessions: 72
- Format: 1:1 with Teacher
0% OFF
Yes! Once you become a Spardha student, you will have access to all the resources you need from reading material to practise videos, and even tools like metronome, music sheets, backing track and more.You will find all the resources on your student dashboard.
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